At ServerCat, we specialise in:

Client-Centric Support
Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalised support and leveraging expertise in data centre services tailored for software businesses.

Facilitating Data Sovereignty within Australia
ServerCat’s business, headquarters and data centres are located and operated in Australia.

Performance Infrastructure for Software
Our finely tuned infrastructure is designed to elevate software applications, ensuring optimal performance throughout the lifecycle.
Modern Components | Competent Support | Trusted Methods
Server Cat. Is here, to help.

Here to serve and deploy
Server Cat’s data centres are in fibre-rich, power-diverse and secure locations in Australia. They are managed by people who love their operation and strive to provide consistency and reliability.
Server Cat’s support personnel are physically located close to the equipment so that if an error occurs that needs to be attended to before the next routine check, they can pounce to it quickly.
High Availability
Should your high availability server find itself in the midst of an extra-terrestrial abduction of its data center, you need not fear with Server Cat, for your website and data shall endure unscathed. Swiftly, it shall transition to the designated alternate data center, ensuring seamless continuity of service without a blip in functionality.

Dedicated Server Solutions
At ServerCat, we believe in offering base level packages that have no additional hidden costs, and are ready to go, as is. Pay only extra to increase resources beyond the listed package specification. Packages are priced on a month-to-month basis. Discounts for longer term contracts are available in the customiser.
Services for all of our packages include a 99.99% uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA), which can be read in our Terms of Service documentation.
Service Enquiry
Whether you are looking for bespoke data storage solutions, colocation servers, virtual cloud hosting or have specific requirements, let us know and we’d be happy to help!

Don’t let yesterday’s Cloud… Cover
Today’s Sunshine
Trusted by

Our Partners
Below are some of the companies we work with to keep things running smoothly at Server Cat.